
Two years ago at this time, I was pruning with my shirt off. It was 80 degrees, and the buds were pushing greentip. This morning it was below zero (again), and everything is still pretty tight. Which is nice — hopefully we’ll avoid the big swing that killed buds that […]

Happy St Patrick’s Day

We recently agreed to take on management of an adjacent orchard, which will add a lot to our productivity. 85 trees, 20 varieties. Here’s the catch: they’ve only been pruned once in the last 12 years and they’re kind of a mess! No matter — some time, energy and strategic […]

The Joy of Pruning

Welcome to the very first blog post for Windfall Orchard in Cornwall, Vt. It’s been a long and snowy winter. All around us the sugar makers are tapping maple trees, and the sap is starting to run. Our trees get a different treatment — for us, late winter means it’s […]

Time to Prune